Banking Services
- Having strong Financial base
- Better Assured returns on deposits.
- 0.5% extra interest for senior citizens & cooperative societies on deposits
- Personal loans to government employees, autonomous bodies, employees of govt. aided schools, etc.
- Loans to cooperative societies & self help groups with low rate of interest.
- Vehicle ,housing, property mortgage loans, gold loans and loans to small entrepreneur etc. on easy terms.
- Loans for agriculture & allied activities at concessional rate of interest
- Loans under KAMDHENU SCHEME for purchase of milch animals and diary activities.
Latest News
Special general body meeting dated
04 March 2023 

Aaddhaar Card linking to NPCI.
GSCB ATMs are now linked to National Financial Switch.
SMS – Alerts/ RTGS/ NEFT Facility available.
Link Aadhar To Bank Account.
0.5% extra interest for senior citizens & co-operative societies on deposits.